Why a Sales Tax on Gasoline Makes More Sense than a Vehicle Miles Traveled Fee

Progressive policy makers have a creativity problem. It’s not that they’re stuck in an unimaginative funk where new ideas are simply recycled old ones that include some sort of social media strategy. Rather, it’s the theory that every policy suggestion has to be revolutionary or novel, backed up by data that previously unavailable or unremarkable, … Continue reading

Cool Concepts | Variable Tolling

Let me start off by saying that variable is one of those subjects that only a small subset of the population finds remotely interesting in all its glorious esotericism. Traffic engineers, planners, DOT officials, and a few different private sector entities have turned to variable tolling for different reasons, not least of which is the … Continue reading

Cool Concepts | Variable Tolling

Let me start off by saying that variable is one of those subjects that only a small subset of the population finds remotely interesting in all its glorious esotericism. Traffic engineers, planners, DOT officials, and a few different private sector entities have turned to variable tolling for different reasons, not least of which is the … Continue reading

Cars and Trains

High speed rail is getting well-deserved attention in the mainstream news, conservative and liberal outlets, even fledgling blogs. If transportation could ever be riveting enough to have a vogue topic —fixed-gear bikes, the Prius, dirigibles—  then high speed rail is ahead of schedule; the rails aren’t even there yet. There’s a tinge envy within the high … Continue reading